SCRCPY : Android mirrors
Hi guys. It's been a while since I last shared anything useful here. Nothing much lately. Only normal day to day testing.
Today I would like to share something which is quite useful for mobile testing for Android devices. If you are using a real device instead of an emulator, this would help you.
This application mirrors your android devices. It is super useful when you need to share screen or doing demonstration to your client or colleagues. Like if you stumble upon an error during testing and your client wanted you to demonstrate it to them, this is the best application you can use.
Below is the example of screenshot of my OnePlus device.
As of this year, I managed to root and push all necessary security related things into my OnePlus 6 (Android 11). My previous testing device which is the Nexus 5x was dead/bricked after I tried to upgrade Magisk version. Rest in pepperoni my best device. *sobs
For Android 11+, its kind of hard to actually push the burp certificate into the device like previous version of android. You will need to do extra steps for it. After searching for multiple ways on doing it, I have come across below blog that works for me. You can refer below url for the method used.
Shoutout to him on the step by step method shared. It saved me a lot of time.
Currently there are no unique finding to be shared. That is why the blog kinda dead at the moment.
Apart from the OnePlus 6, I also managed to get an iOS device for testing which is iPhone SE (16.0.2). I might also start to share my journey discovering testing on iOS which is super new to me.
This post also served as my diary/reminder for useful application that I might forgot later on.
Till next time. Adios.
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